Promotion Review Board

By Army Regulation 135-155, Promotion of Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers Other Than General Officers, paragraph 3-18, the appointment of an officer may be delayed in any case in which there is cause to believe that the officer is mentally, physically, morally, or professionally unqualified to perform the duties of the grade for which they were selected for promotion.

Army Regulation 135-155

Per Army Regulation 135-155, Promotion of Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers Other Than General Officers, paragraph 3-18, the appointment of an officer may be delayed in any case in which there is cause to believe the officer is:

  • Mentally.

  • Physically.

  • Morally.

  • Professionally unqualified to perform the duties of the grade they were selected for promotion.

Commanders, Human Resources Command, and Office of Promotions may recommend an officer’s removal from a promotion list.   Reasons for removal may include:

  • A referred evaluation or academic report.

  • Non-judicial punishment.

  • A court-martial-lawyer conviction.

  • A Letter of Reprimand or GOMOR.

  • Other adverse information is in their Official Military Personnel File.

Written Rebuttal

Many officers and warrant officers may have a promotion delayed or withdrawn due to negative information in their permanent records. Soldiers in these cases are allowed to show the HRC they deserve to stay on the promotion list.  Additionally, officers should submit a written rebuttal to Human Resources Command. Thereby challenging their potential removal from a promotion list. There are often several arguments a Soldier can use to effectively dispute their proposed denial of a promotion, including attacking the validity of the negative information in their OMPF. Additionally, they may prove to Human Resources Command that their performance and leadership traits outweigh any negative information.

Secretary of the Army

Consequently, once the Soldier submits their reply to the Promotion Review Board, the PRB will recommend to the Secretary of the Army one or more of the following:

  • Retention on the promotion list.

  • Removal from the promotion list.

  • That the Soldier shows cause for retention on active duty.

Finally, an officer or warrant officer should speak with a knowledgeable attorney about their selection for PRB review.  Essentially, the attorney will assist in deciding the arguments presented to the PRB before beginning the daunting task of writing a rebuttal. Additionally, soldiers should not let the opportunity for promotion slip through their hands without a fight.

Don’t lose your Promotion.

The attorneys at Crisp and Associates are experienced in rebuttals to the PRB in addition to all other areas of administrative military justice. Please feel free to reach out to us today for a free consultation.

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