Removing Negative Information from Military Records
Service members in each military branch commonly receive negative information permanently filed in his or her military records. Such information can cause irreparable damage to the service member’s career. Service members will often have a difficult time getting promoted. Some may even face separation as an indirect result of this negative information. This negative information includes:
non-judicial punishments (Article 15s or Captain’s Masts)
letters of reprimands
letters of admonition
General Officer Memorandums of Reprimand (GOMORs)
letters of Censure
any other document that reflects unfavorably on someone’s character and integrity
Each branch offers a different avenue of relief to appeal this negative information. The Army has established the Department of the Army Suitability Evaluation Board (DASEB) for senior NCOs and officers. The other branches offer relief through appeals to the Board for Correction of Military Records or the Board for Correction of Naval Records.
Filing an Appeal
When appealing this negative information, it is important to have an attorney conduct a thorough review of any investigation or evidence that led to the chain of command’s decision to issue the punishment. A trained attorney should be able to identify any inconsistencies with the investigation that could result in the removal of the negative information. In many instances, the Investigating Officer has overlooked extenuating evidence or has “cherry-picked” which witnesses to interview during the investigation, leading to a biased or inaccurate investigation report. Any such bias or error constitutes grounds to appeal the negative information to the appropriate board. Read more about Military Records Correction. If you have negative information in your file or are facing having the negative information permanently entered into your Official Military Personnel File, contact an attorney at Crisp and Associates, LLC today to discuss your options to stop this injustice. Do not allow your military career to be stifled or jeopardized because of an incorrect or unjust punishment in your military records.