Security Clearance Lawyers
We are a worldwide firm and will travel to any military installation, home or abroad.

Dedicated Security Clearance Attorneys

We can help you with:

  • SF86 Guidance

  • Denials, Suspensions, or Revocations

  • Denial or Revocation Appeals

Obtaining a Security Clearance

If you are a Servicemember, a civilian employee of the federal government, or an employee of a company contracted with the federal government, your employment may require a security clearance. Applying for a security clearance should be taken seriously and conducted with care and strategy so that you can obtain and retain your clearance and your job. Our attorneys have held security clearances themselves, so they understand the process from personal experience and can help guide you.

First, remember that only those whose job requires access to classified information can apply for a security clearance. This means you must have a job or an offer for a job that requires a security clearance. The government only grants security clearances to individual citizens with a need to access secure information. The application process includes an extensive background investigation to determine your eligibility for access to classified information. As part of this process, you must complete the Standard Form 86, “Questionnaire for National Security Positions.” Several issues may arise throughout the background investigation that could prevent you from obtaining a security clearance. Our attorneys can help identify mitigating circumstances and assist in completing the SF86 thoroughly and adequately.

Denials, Suspension and Revocations

You may receive an Intent to Deny or Intent to Revoke notification if you find unfavorable information during the initial or subsequent periodic investigations. If you receive one of these notifications, I want you to please stay calm. Over 97% of security clearances that are applied for are ultimately granted. Additionally, there are several things that the attorneys at Crisp and Associates Military Law can help you do to address the situation and better your chances of receiving a favorable clearance determination.

If you already have a security clearance and receive an Intent to Revoke, your security clearance may be suspended.  This interim decision is pending the final decision on whether to reinstate or revoke your license. Intent to Deny and Intent to Revoke are warning letters informing you that information discovered in the background investigation may disqualify you from eligibility for a security clearance. Along with the notification letter, you will receive a Statement of Reasons (SOR) explicitly identifying the information that needs to be addressed.

Determinations on a denial or revocation are made based on the level of access needed in conjunction with the “whole person” perspective. Stated another way, one need not have a “blemish-free” past to obtain a security clearance. Unfavorable information can be, and usually is, mitigated based on a variety of factors. Most individuals who fail to obtain a license do not act after receiving the initial Statement of Reasons. Undoubtedly, challenging unfavorable information is your best way to get or keep your security clearance.

The security clearance attorneys at Crisp and Associates Military Law can assist you in responding to the Statement of Reasons and offering evidence in mitigation. Suppose you are further in the process and have already received your security clearance’s final denial or revocation. In that case, the attorneys at Crips and Associates Military Law can assist you in appealing the denial/ revocation.

Whether you are a Servicemember, a civilian federal government employee, or a government contractor, it’s hard to deny the value, monetary and otherwise, in gaining and maintaining your security clearance. Suppose you are in the process of applying for a security clearance or have recently had your application denied or clearance revoked. In that case, Crisp and Associates Military Law can provide the informed and competent legal representation necessary to obtain and retain your security clearance. Contact us today for a free consultation.